About Noel Tyl

A revealing conversation with Astrologer Noel Tyl:

Noel Tyl (1936-2019) was one of the foremost astrologers in the world. His thirty-three textbooks have led the way for learning an insightful, humanistic approach to astrology. Tyl wrote the comprehensive professional manual for the field - the 1,000-page text Synthesis & Counseling in Astrology - which put astrology securely in pace with the most relevant and sophisticated disciplines of humanistic studies.

It was Tyl who first integrated psychological need theory into astrological analysis. In the years thereafter, he continued to refine that process with an eye to keeping analysis clear and meaningful for his clients' lives. He consciously avoided the all-too-common practice of adding unnecessary layers of measurement complexity onto chart analysis simply because computers allow it to be done. He offered a streamlined approach that brings each horoscope vividly to life and properly centers astrological consultations on the real-world experience of people rather than upon a compendium of technical textbook measurements.

In May 1998, Tyl was honored at the United Astrology Conference, the world convention for astrology, as the recipient of the Regulus Award for establishing and maintaining professional image in the field.

In 2010 he worked with Rose Productions to create a series of 9 information- and example-packed videos of astrological instruction: The Tyl Masterwork Series. Part of Noel’s heartfelt mission was to show astrologers how to unchain themselves from rote "this means that" thinking and thereby be free to engage their clients in meaningful, productive conversations with practical application.

Noel passed away on his birthday - December 31, 2019 - and left a legacy of deep and durable teaching in humanistic astrology. Students from all over the world have benefited from his many books, lectures, and classes. Now you can benefit from owning the professionally produced digital downloads of the Tyl MasterWork Series.